Alpha Male Sigma Male Concept Destroyed.

3 min readJan 3, 2024


So do you want to get girls? Do you want to be an alpha male who attracts girls.

Then get ready to hurt your feelings.

These concepts, the alpha male sigma beta ,red pill are from western countries especially America. So first thing you need to understand is their culture is completely different ,they perceive things differently, their perception is different, their core philosophy is different.So when it comes to the dating system, whom do you take advice from??

The Narrative

So all this shit starts from one thing: How to get girls.Just go on youtube and type How to get girls or how to be an alpha male and see how many videos you will get on this topic .So basically who searches for these things, one who is insecure, one who doesn’t want to be single but the thing is I am single and i am dying as single are two different concepts.So now you search on youtube and you fell for the trap.Now they will sell you courses on how to be f*** king kong who gets girls, how to be alpha sigma whatever the shit is.They sell their shitty opinions and you buy them simply without thinking about who this person is, what are his/her qualification etc. Open any video any video i challenge you,there story will starts with there is a boy, he doesn’t get girls whereas there is another boy who is chad girls like him he rich bla bla bla.Are you not getting girls so i am gonna tell you how be an alpha male, nonsense .Their philosophy starts with women ends with women.

The Argument of Self Building

One may say hey but they say workout earn money get rich become successful isn’t that good isn’t that self building. Well it is but here is a thing they tell you to do so ,so that you will get girls isn’t it. You f** work, why so i can get girls ,You earn money so I can get girls, for eligible mate.They can’t get over it and instead think like i want to workout so i can be better i can work on myself but no you will work and get rich to get their story revolves around girls they can’t end the desperation.

Alpha male concept

“Alpha” males are those at the top of the social status hierarchy. They have greater access to power, money, and mates, which they gain through physical prowess, intimidation, and domination. Alphas are typically described as the “real men.” In contrast are the “Beta” males: the weak, submissive, subordinate guys who are low status,and only get access to mates once women decide to settle down and go searching for a “nice guy.”

In a 1948 publication, a scientist named Rudolph Schenkel wrote that amongst wolves, an alpha pair would fight for dominance and win the exclusive mating rights among the group. Dave Mech, a wolf researcher with the United States Geological Survey, echoed the idea in a 1968 book. But as Mech later realized, the “alpha wolf” behavior appeared only in captive wolves pushed into a group from a range of different backgrounds. In real life, a pack begins when a male and female have offspring. If anyone is dominant in that setting, then it’s because, well, they are the parents. Since learning the reality of pack dynamics, Mech has been trying to get publishers to stop printing his book (they won’t).

That’s it.Are you satisfied now. Instead watching these shit videos focus on self.

